蓝晨 矿泉水处理设备 水处理设备 小型纯水设备 反渗透设备 机械过滤器 活性碳过滤器 精密过滤器 纯水储罐
型号 | LC-LZJH系列 |
外形尺寸 | 定制cm |
材质 | 不锈钢 |
产地 | 河北 |
电压 | 380V |
额定功率 | 10KW |
额定频率 | 50Hz |
供水量 | 1-100T/h |
进水压力 | 7kg |
类型 | 纯水机 |
售后服务 | 一年保修 |
执行质量标准 | 国标 |
使用场合 | 商用 |
处理工艺 | 反渗透纯水 |
品牌 | 蓝晨 |
水质特性 | 纯水 |
钠离子交换器是用于降低水中的硬度,生水由上而下通过交换器进行软化,水中含有的镁、钙等阳离子与水交换剂的钠离子互相交换;生水被软化成为含极少的钙、镁、盐类的水 (称为软水),可用于锅炉给水及一些工业用水。由于钠离子在水中有很大的溶解性不会在锅炉内部结成硬垢,并且容易排除,进入钠离子交换器的水,应经澄清过滤处理,基本上不含有悬浮物。经交换器软化后,其剩余硬度不超过0.03毫克当量/升。
The machine is for reducing the hardness of water. Raw water goes through the exchanger from top to bottom, to be softened by the sodium ion exchanger inside. The positve ions of Magnesium and Calcium are exchanged with sodium ion then the raw water becomes soft water containing very few ions of Magnesium and Calcium. The soft water can be used for feeding water of boiler and for someindustrial uses. Due to its highly dissolving ability in water, sodium ions will not form hard sediment in the boiler and can be easily removed. Raw water shall be filtered and settled almost without suspended matter before coming into this machine. After being softened in the device, the residual hardness shall be less than 0.03mg equivalent/l.