PHC喷射泵 离心泵PHC-800E
材质 | 其它 |
流量 | - |
性能 | 其它 |
扬程 | - |
品牌 | 韩程 |
型号 | PHC-800E |
材质 | 铸铁 | 驱动方式 | 电动 |
用途 | 管道泵 | 泵轴位置 | 卧式 |
叶轮结构 | 敞开式叶轮 | 叶轮数目 | 单级 |
叶轮吸入方式 | 单吸式 | 原理 | 管道泵 |
性能 | 卫生 | 扬程 | 23(m) |
转速 | 2860(r/m) | 功率 | 800(w) |
流量 | 115(m3/h) | | |
温岭韩程泵业有限公司成立于1995年.本厂主要生产韩程PHC全自动冷热水自吸泵、非自动冷热水自吸泵、冷热水循环管道泵、热水自动增压泵、全自动家用增压泵等家用水泵,主要用于锅炉、壁挂炉、蒸气发生器、地暖循环设备等。管道离心泵的工作原理是: 离心泵所以能把水送出去是由于离心力的作用。水泵在工作前,泵体和进水管必须罐满水形成真空状态,当叶轮快速转动时,叶片促使水很快旋转,旋转着的水在离心力的作用下从叶轮中飞去,泵内的水被抛出后,叶轮的中心部分形成真空区域。水原的水在大气压力(或水压)的作用下通过管网压到了进水管内。这样循环不已**可以实现连续抽水。在此值得一提的是:离心泵启动前一定要向泵壳内充满水以后,方可启动,否则将造成泵体发热,震动,出水量减少,对水泵造成损坏(简称“气蚀”)造成设备事故! 离心泵的种类很多,分类方法常见的有以下几种方式1按叶轮吸入方式分:单吸式离心泵 双吸式离心泵。2按叶轮数目分:单级离心泵 多级离心泵。3按叶轮结构分:敞开式叶轮离心泵 半开式叶轮离心泵 封闭式叶轮离心泵。4按工作压力分:低压离心泵 中压离心泵 高压离心泵边 立式离心泵。Piping centrifugal pump working principle is: the centrifugal pump can send out the water, so the centrifugal force is due. Pump before work, the pump body and feed water tank full to vacuum, when the impeller blade rotation, rapid rotation, soon to water in rotating centrifugal force under the action of water pump impeller flew in from the water inside and out, by the central part of impeller formed vacuum regions. The water in air pressure (or hydraulic) under the action of water pipe pressure came through. This cycle, can achieve co
ntinuous pumped. In this is worth mentioning: centrifugal pump before starting to pump shell must be filled with water, can start, otherwise it will cause the pump body, thus reduce heat, and on the pump damage (hereinafter referred to as "the cavitation erosion caused by accidents!" There are many kinds of centrifugal pump, classification method has the following kinds of common mode 1 press impeller inhaled method: single absorption type centrifugal pump double suction centrifugal pumps. According to the number of points: 2 impeller single centrifugal pump mulfistage centrifugal pump. According to the structure of points: open impeller centrifugal pump half open impeller centrifugal pump impeller centrifugal pump is closed. 4 by working pressure points: low medium centrifugal pump high-pressure centrifugal pump centrifugal pump edge vertical centrifugal pump.